Triangulation Augmented Algorithm
TRIANGULATION AUGMENTED ALGORITHM Bibhorr deemed research on this issue to be very important because there hasn’t been any serious fundamental and technical work done to use AI in flight dynamics performance upgradation. Fuzzy logics have several drawbacks, such as forecasts that aren’t always correct, ambiguity in some circumstances, sluggish run time, etc. This led Bibhorr […]
Time-Matricized Triangulation Algorithm
TIME-MATRICIZED TRIANGULATION ALGORITHM ➸Used in conjunction with Triangulation Mapping ➸To be employed when the spacecraft is positioned inside a 3-D circumjacent polygon ➸Data should specifically flow from the nodes located on the perimeter of the polygon ➸Data is received by the spacecraft located in the circumjacent polygon ➸Identification of nodal data from the spacecraft located […]
Supplemented Thrust Reversal (Reverser) Technology
SUPPLEMENTED THRUST REVERSAL (REVERSER) TECHNOLOGY Invented by Bibhorr, Supplemented Thrust Reverser (STR) or Supplemental Thrust Reversal is a technology constructed primarily as an integrated contraption mechanism that works to change the vehicle’s flight path prior to initiating the flight termination system (FTS). It makes use of a controlled reverse thrust mechanism that has been modelled for […]
IoT-Based Spacecraft Anti-Collision Technology
IoT-BASED SPACECRAFT ANTI-COLLISSION TECHNOLOGY IoT-integrated Spacecraft Anti-collision technology, invented and first successfully deployed by Bibhorr, constitutes five design sub-systems viz., Traffic Identification system (TIS), Density Evaluation Model (DEM), Trajectory Planning Model (TPM), Risk Assessment Model (RAM) and finally Heads-up Display (HUD) system. The Traffic Identification Design uses a video imaging process based on an IoT-integrated […]
Polygon Shift Analysis
POLYGON SHIFT ANALYSIS Polygon Shift Analysis is an AI-augmented algorithmic analysis invented by Bibhorr to be employed in aerospace applications. The border of polygonal structures is crucial for developing a useful polygonal model in which the vertices of the network represent the spacecrafts and the interactions of one such vertex with regard to its surrounding […]
Bibhorr Formula 1.0 : AI-Augmenting Aerospace Equation
Bibhorr Sutr or Bibhorr Formula is the world’s first AI-augmenting aerospace equation, representing the groundbreaking scientific aggrandization and the fundamental inception of sturdy algorithmic advancements, that establishes the next-generation of aero-mathematical principles by providing solutions to ultra-complex calculations related to aerospace triangulation and interplanetary computations. The formula is used for determining the relationship between angular and linear […]